Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Table : Employee
EmpID EmpName Designation Dept ApptDate BirthDate BasicPay Status Gender
101 Amrit Pal Admin HRD 7-Jul-2000 5-Feb-1969 70000 Permanent Male
102 Amrita Arora Operator Software 8-Apr-2001 6-Jun-1974 20000 Permanent Female
103 Anand Raj Programmer Software 5-Aug-1998 5-May-1975 55000 Permanent Male
104 Kanika Verma Programmer Software 12-Jun-2003 25-Jun-1970 50000 Permanent Female
105 Gopal Rai Operator Software 3-Apr-2000 25-Aug-1980 25000 Permanent Male
106 Kishori Lal Peon Software 4-Dec-2006 4-Sep-1976 15000 Temporary Male
107 Amritesh Singh Manager Software 15-Jan-2000 30-Sep-1976 65000 Permanent Male
108 Reema Pal Manager HRD 2-Feb-2002 7-Jul-1981 60000 Permanent Female
109 Nandini Mehta Assistant HRD 23-Jun-2008 9-Sep-1974 40000 Temporary Female
110 Komal Arora Assistant Software 24-Feb-2000 3-Mar-1971 45000 Permanent Female
A. Write the SQL statements to do the following tasks :
1 Write the statement to create the above mentioned table
2 Display details of all female employees who are permanent in ascending order of their name
3 Display name, designation and empID of all employees who have joined in the year 2000
4 Display name,designtion and department of all employee having basicpay more than30000 and less 
than 60000
5 Display EmpID, name and Birthdate of all male employees born in the month of september
B. Write the Output generated by the following commands :
1 Select Left(empname,5), empID from employee where basic pay>65000;
2 Select empID as "Employee ID", empname, basicpay+1000 from employee where designation="A%";
3 update employee set status ="permanent" where year(apptdate)>2005;

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