Sunday, 4 September 2016

Chap 1 and 4 IP Assignments

Assignment - 4 (2016-17)
Informatics Practices

Class – XI

 (Computer Hardware)
1.      Expand the following abbreviations :                                                                                          
2.      Identify the following and name the device / component :                                                         
a)         It is the most commonly used output device looks like a TV screen. Uses CRT display.
b)        It is used to listen to the audio output of the computer.
c)         It controls and coordinates the communication among all the components of the computer. It is a component of CPU.
d)        It is responsible to perform arithmetic calculations and logical operations on the computer.
e)         It is the primary memory of computer that stores the data temporarily.
f)         It is the primary memory responsible for the booting of the system and can only be read.
g)        It captures your image or video as data for computer with a good quality and is commonly used for web chats or video conferencing.
h)        It is used to make the communication possible by carring data from one component to another.
i)          It is a device to convert images of text into machine editable text. It is widely used to convert books and documents into electronic files.
j)          It is a device that takes human finger prints as input to maintain and identify data. It is generally used for marking attendance of employees in an organization.
k)        It is and input device consisting of sticks that pivots on a base. It is used to play video games.
l)          It is the temporary memory of the computer which is used for primary storage I computer to hold active information of data and instructions.
m)      It is the most commonly used secondary storage device attached to a computer for storing data permanently.

3.      Pair the following memory units which are equivalent in size.                                        
2Bytes,  1 nibble, 1024 MB,  1024 Bytes,  1 byte,   4 bits
1024 GB,  1 KB,  4 nibbles, 1 GB,  8 bits,   1TB

4.      Define :
a)         Ports
b)        Communication Bus
c)         Secondary Memory
d)        Primary Memory
e)         Memory Unit

5.      Explain the functioning of a computer with the help of a diagram.

6.      Differentiate between :                                                                                                                
a)         Touch screen and Mouse
b)        Primary Memory and Secondary Memory
c)         Control Unit and ALU
d)        Serial port and Parallel port
e)         Data bus and Control bus
f)         RJ 11 port and RJ 45 port
g)        Scanner and OCR
h)        Laser Printer and Inkjet Printer
i)          Speaker and Microphone
j)          Plotter and Dot Matrix Printer
k)        RAM and ROM

7.      Give five examples of each :
a)         Input Devices
b)        Output devices
c)         Secondary Storage devices                                                               

Assignment - 5 (2016-17)
Informatics Practices

Class – XI
 (Netbeans JAVA)
1.      Why do we use NetBeans? Write its features.
2.      Expand the following terms : IDE, GUI
3.      Differentiate between :                                                                            
a)         Properties Window and Inspector window
b)        Project Window  and Palette window
c)         Design window and Source window                                                           
d)        Label control and Password control
e)         TextField control and TextArea control
f)         RadioButton control  and Checkbox control
g)        Button control and Button Group control

4.      Write the purpose of :
a)         Integer.parseInt() function
b)        Double.parseDouble() function
c)         Integer.toString()
d)        Double.toString()
e)         concat()
f)         System.exit(0)
g)        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog()
h)        getText()
i)          setText()

5.      Identify and underline the errors in the following code and then rewrite the statement :          
a)         jOptionpane.ShowMessageDialog(null,” Welcome “ + jTextfield1.getText() + “ to the world of computer programming”);
b)        JOptionpane.showMessageDialog(Null,”Always be a winner”)
c)         JOptionPane. showMessageDialog(null,”Hello “ + jTextField2.setText());
d)        JoptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,”Hard Work Leads to Success”)
e)         jTextArea.settext(“welcome all”);
f)         JTextfield1.getText(“India is a Democratic Country”);
g)        jtextField2. Set Text(“Hello \n world);
6.      Identify the swing control :
a)         Which control is used to group the RadioButtons in the form.
b)        To write multiple line of text
c)         To accept single line of text
d)        To accept single line of text and convert each character in a common symbol
e)         To accept multiple options
f)         To accept atleast one option
g)        To take action on the form by writing code into it.
h)        To give information about a control

7.      Which properties can be set for the following swing controls :
a)         To give title to a Form
b)        To set font for a textfield
c)         To set background color for a label control
d)        To write text in multiple lines in a textArea control
e)         To add scroll bars to a textarea
f)         To change text of a label or textfield control

8.      What will be the output of the following commands :                                                                
a)         jTextArea1.setText(“Save Water \n Every drop means life”);
b)        jTextArea1.setText(“India has various festivals\nNational\t and \t Religious”);
c)         jTextArea2.setText(“Don’t pollute the nature’s beauty,\n its our basic duty.”);
d)        jTextArea1.setText(“No Crackers\tNo Pollution\n\nthis is our resolution”);
e)         jTextArea1.setText(“Save Tiger \nSave Wildlife”);
f)         jTextArea1.setText(“Mera\tBharat\tMahan”);

9. Identify and label the controls :          

10.  Design a GUI Form in JAVA to Accept, name and streams (science, commerce and humanities)  of a student. The application must have a reset and exit button. Use appropriate labels and controls. Write the code for Reset to clear data from the TextField controls and Exit button to terminate the form.      
11.  Design a GUI Form in JAVA to Accept account no., name and type of account (Saving or Current)  of a customer. The application must have a reset and exit button. Use appropriate labels and controls. Write the code for Reset to clear data from the TextField controls and Exit button to terminate the form.      

12.  Consider the following form and write the code for the buttons as directed :               

a)         On clicking Writer button it displays a message“ is a Writer”  in message box
b)        On clicking Painter button it displays a message“ is a Painter”  in message box
c)         When we click on the Exit button the form terminates.

13.  The following form accepts 2 number and  displays the result in the third textfield according to the button clicked. Write the code for Add button, subtract button, multiply button and divide button. Also write code for clear button to clear all the text fields and Close button to terminate the form.                                                                                                                                                 

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