Friday, 27 May 2016

Assignments of IP class XI

Assignment – 1
Class – XI
(Chapter 8)
1.       Define the following terms :
a.       Database
b.       Table
c.       Primary key
d.       Candidate key
e.       Alternate key
f.        RDBMS
2.       Write the features of DBMS
3.       Write the characteristics of MySQL
4.       Get familiarize with the following terms  with their alternative names:
a.       Table : Relation, entity
b.       Row :  Tuple, horizontal subset, record
c.       Column : Field, vertical subset, attribute
d.       Cardinality : No. of row  X  No. of col.

(Chapter 9) Assignment-2
1.       Create a database with your name
a.       _______________________________________________________________________
2.       Check if the database is created
a.       _______________________________________________________________________
3.       Open the database
a.       _______________________________________________________________________
4.       Create a table student with the following fields :
a.       Admno             int
b.      Name               varchar(20)
c.       Class               varchar(4)
d.      Section                        char(1)
e.       Fees                 decimal(7,2)
5.       Check if the table student is created
a.       _______________________________________________________________________
6.       Check which database is in use
a.       _______________________________________________________________________
7.       Insert a record into the table student
a.       _______________________________________________________________________
8.       Write the command to display all records
a.       _______________________________________________________________________
9.       Write the command to display the table structure of Student
a.       _______________________________________________________________________
10.   Insert four more records in the student table
11.   Display all records

(Chapter 9)
1.       Expand DDL and DML statements
2.       What do you mean by syntax?
3.       What are keywords?
4.       Categorize the following statements under DDL and DML
a.                   Create table
b.                   Select
c.                   Drop table
d.                   Delete
e.                   Insert into
f.                    Update
g.                   Alter table
h.                   Create database

5.       What are datatypes?
6.       What is the difference between char and varchar?
7.       What is the difference between int and decimal?
8.       Write the command for the following statements :
a.       Create a table buslist having fields admno, name, class, section, routeno, area, busfee
b.       Insert 5 records into it
c.       Display all records
d.       Using  where clause do the following :
                                                               i.      Display name of all students who avail school bus of routeno 1
                                                             ii.      Display details of all students of class xi
                                                            iii.      Display name, ROUTENO, area of all student whose routeno is 5
                                                           iv.      Display details of all students where busfee is greater than 1000
                                                             v.      Display details of all students of whose name starts ‘A’.
e.       Display all records with proper column headings i.e. routeno as “Route No.”, name as “Name of the Student” and so on… _________________________________________________
f.        Insert 5 records in the above table
·         _________________________________________________
·         _________________________________________________
·         _________________________________________________
·         _________________________________________________
·         _________________________________________________
g.       Alter the table by making admno as primary key        _________________________________________________

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