Saturday, 23 January 2016


dear students
kindly learn these notes for IT Applications


After studying this lesson the students will be able to:

Differentiate between front-end and back-end of an application.
Identify various components of the front-end of an application.
Design and develop simple IT applications.
List the impacts of ICT on society


e-Governance involves applications which are used by government agencies/organizations to provide better governance.


To reach the citizens in an effective and transparent manner ICT enabled counters have

been setup by government where several services like

  • Birth/Death certificate registration
  • Railway enquiry and ticket booking,
  • submission of RTI application etc. .

e-Governance websites and their salient features and societal impacts ( The National Portal of India) This portal not only gives the

information about Government of India, but also allows the users to apply online for

various services provided by the government. ( Government of India Web Directory) - Through this portal one

can access various government web sites. These sites include sites of various states

and union territories, and sites of central government departments etc. All these

sites are examples of e-Governance applications of IT. Some of these sites are:


Portal of Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh


Portal of Municipal Government of Jammu and Kashmir

c) National Informatics Centre (NIC) is a premiere Science & Technology

institution of the Government of India for providing e-Government / e- Governance Solutions adopting best practices, integrated services and global solutions in Government Sector.

2. e-Business

e-Business applications use technology to effectively access and deliver business related services and perform various kinds of business transactions.


To reach the customers and business associates in an effective and fast manner. Business houses (now a days many small shops like snacks corners and paan shops also) provide their services on the net. These ICT enabled counters are used to get orders and feedbacks from the customers and also for inter-business transactions. This helps the businesses to widen their customer base.

e-business websites and their salient features and societal impacts

  1. (e-business site of NAFED) - Through this URL

NAFD (National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd.) offers

its e-business services to various corporates and customers. ( e-Business site of - Amazon is the world's largest

online store. Through this URL Amazon does its online business

3.e-Learning :

e-Learning applications use technology to effectively deliver and monitor learning and teaching processes.


e-Learning has multiple goals.

  1. It helps the trainer to organize and manage his/her lesson plans

  1. E-Learning is about giving freedom to people to learn whatever they want to learn and whenever they want to learn irrespective of age, caste, gender, economical background, or qualification of the learner

e-Learning websites and their salient features and societal impacts

  1. ( Website Developers e-Learning site) –
At you will learn how to make a website. It offers free tutorials in all web development technologies

2. -It is an educational part of the GCF mission

3. - This government of Madhya

Pradesh portal provides multimedia tutorials on various topics of different subjects

like maths, science, social sciences etc.

4. - This NCERT portal provides interactive

modules for students to learn various topics


Social and Economic benefits of ICT:

  •  Social networking sites help people remain in touch with their nears and dears
even when they are staying on opposite sides of the globe.
Social networking sites help like minded people come together and work for
some cause.

  • e-Governance sites help people save their productive time by performing
various government related jobs like getting some forms, depositing bills

  • ICT helps economy grow at a faster rate as it provides transparency in the
processes and helps the government to keep check on defaulters.
Due to e-Banking and use of plastic money more money is put in circulation
leading to faster growth of GDP.

  • e-Learning sites make quality study material available even to the students
staying at remote places.

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