Friday, 5 February 2016


IP notes for SQL and JAVA

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

some java forms for practice IP Practicle

Dear students

i am posting some forms for practical practice in JAVA to prepare for practical exam.

1.       Design the following GUI Form in Net beans as per the instructions given :

 Write the code for the Clear button and Exit Button.      
2.       It takes input as Emp.No., Name, and Basic Pay.
3.       Write code on the Calculate button to calculate :
For Allowances :
Category                                              Allowances
                                PGT                                                        40% of BP
                                TGT                                                        30% of BP
                                Pry.Tr.                                                   20% of BP
For Deduction :  12% of BP
For Net Pay = Basic Pay + Allowance - Deduction and
4.       If served for more than 10 years Rs.5000 is added to Allowance.
Display Message in a message box “Dear ”+ name+”, Your salary is processed.”

-------------------------form 2------------------------------------

Design the following GUI Form in Netbeans as per the instructions given :

1.       Write the code for the Clear button and Exit Button.              
2.       It takes input as Bill. No., Customer Name and Qty.
3.       Write code on the Calculate button to calculate :
VAT is 14% of Total Amt.
Net Amt. Payable = total Amt  + VAT
on the basis of the following criteria :
Food Item                                           Rate
                                Burger                                                  Rs.90
                                Pizza                                                      Rs. 150
                                Sandwich                                             Rs.75
4.       If ordered during Happy Hours get a discount of 10% on Total Amt.

5.       Display Message in a message box “Thank you.”+customer name

---------------------------form 3---------------------------------
    Design the following GUI Form in Netbeans as per the instructions given :

1.       Write the code for the Clear button and Exit Button.              
2.       It takes input as stuent Name, percentage and stream.
3.       Write code on the Calculate button to calculate
a.       If the student has NCC certificate will get 2% added to his percentage and
b.      if has National Level certificate will get 3% added to his percentage.
4.       As per the given criteria display message in textfield “Eligible for Scholarship” else “Sorry you are not Eligible”
Stream                                 Eligible net percentage
                                Science                                                 90%
                                Commerce                                          80%

                                Humanities                                         70%